The work is aimed at examining the issues related to the impact of the industry-specific workplace and legal culture on enforcing labor law standards in Russia. The focus is on historical continuity of national legal culture phenomena and its negative aspects that hinder enforcement of labor law standards in practice. The research was conducted with a comparative-historical diachronic approach using sociological method tools within the general framework of an anthropological approach. Based on the results of the research, the structural elements of the industry-specific legal culture were identified, its manifestations for employees and employers as labor market key players were described. The essence of each element is described as well. Parallels are drawn between the status of legal consciousness and legal literacy in the context of free employment in the age of factory-and-plant legislation and nowadays. The concept of historical consistency, implicitness of some workplace culture factors that have been distorting enforcement of labor legislation for more than two hundred centuries is presented. The major factors include low legal literacy of employees and employers, disregard for legal provisions, the penchant of Russian citizens for non-legal regulators of employment relations, inflated paternalistic expectations, legal indifferentism by employment contract parties, social alienation of employees and employers, and employee’s refusal to defend their labor rights in case of violation. It is concluded that existing defects of legal consciousness and legal illiteracy need to be taken into account in norm- setting work in order to avoid the issue of the poor effectiveness of labor law standards in Russia.

Выпуск: Т. 5 № 2 (8 ст.) (2022)
Автор(ы): Демидов Николай Вольтович
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The conceptand typesof adaptationexperienced by an employee and employer during labor relationships are analyzed in the paper. Staffing and staff training issues are a priority in the modern world. When entering into labor relationships, the worker is in a new work group and starts to perform employment duties in a new position. This requires adaptation. Adaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon (process). In the author’s opinion, it can vary, including the scenarios arising during legal relationships. As is noted in the paper, there are almost no provisions regarding legal regulation of the adaptation process in the current labor legislation. Adaptation is classified as occupational and non-occupational. In the framework of labor relationships, occupational adaptation is of especial interest, since it includes professional, psychophysiological, sociopsychological, organizational, economic and labor adaptations. An analysis of professional and labor adaptation in terms of their definitions and contents has identified their differences. The paper is an attempt to research the issue of worker adaptation through the lens of labor legislation. Mentorship is definitely a component of professional adaptation. There is a special focus on the lack of any provisions regulating the mentorship institution in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The need to fill this gap by introducing supplements and amendments into the existing legal regulation mechanics has been pointed out. The conclusion has been drawn about the link between the probation period established with a labor contract and the professional or labor adaptation of the worker. Additionally, the author has made the assumption that probation upon entry into employment should be seen not only as the adaptation of a worker to a new workplace, but as the adaptation of an employer to a new employee as well. Among other things, it is a period when the worker’s adequacy for the assigned job is verified. The opinion has been expressed that it is necessary to standardize the mentorship institution in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Выпуск: Т. 5 № 4 (6 ст.) (2022)
Автор(ы): Брюхина Евгения Рафиковна
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Среди ученых-литературоведов ведется дискуссия о том, действительно ли современные арабские женщины пишут художественную литературу иначе, чем их коллеги-мужчины. Некоторые утверждают, что у женщин-писательниц есть особые проблемы, которые проистекают из их специфического опыта жизни в мусульманском обществе и определяют не только тематический спектр их произведений, но и специфическую, иногда расплывчатую манеру их литературного выражения. Эта дискуссия основана в основном на произведениях выдающихся женщин-писательниц из Египта, Ливана, Палестины, Сирии, Северной Африки, иногда Саудовской Аравии и арабских государств Персидского залива. Йемену не уделялось особого внимания в этой дискуссии, как и в литературоведении в целом. В этой статье рассматривается, в какой степени предполагаемая женская, или феминистская, манера письма проявляется в произведениях йеменской романистки и автора коротких рассказов Нади аль-Кавкабани, которая является одной из самых плодовитых писательниц в своей стране. В трех ее романах Не более чем любовь(2006),Покорные жены(2009) иМоя Сана(2013) неоднократно затрагиваются феминистские темы, но практически ни одна из них не представлена подробным сюжетом с достаточной степенью сентиментальности и психологизма. Напротив, в этих романах большое внимание уделяется культуре и современной истории Йемена, а в повествовании, как и во многих произведениях писателей-мужчин, преобладают социально-политические проблемы. Можно возразить, что Йемен в романах Нади аль-Кавкабани превалирует над феминистским вопросом.

Выпуск: Т. 15 № 1 (2023)
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When Dhat Syndrome is Delusional: A Case Series (2024)

The Dhat syndrome is a culture-bound syndrome associated with anxiety and somatic and mood symptoms related to semen loss. It sometimes occurs in women, in whom it comes with vaginal discharge. Only a single case has been reported whereby Dhat delusion was associated with schizophrenia. In this case report, we dwell on two individuals suffering from a somatic-type delusional disorder with Dhat-like symptoms who had initially presented classical symptoms
of the Dhat syndrome. Further studies are needed to explore the intersections of Dhat syndrome and psychoses, as well as the risk factors involved in mutual predisposition.

Выпуск: № 1, Том 5 (2024)
Автор(ы): Бхаттачарджи Дебанджан, Банерджи Дебанджан
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