В статье исследуется роль подводной войны Германии в контексте стратегий и тактики Первой мировой войны. Рассмотрены ключевые аспекты, включая цели и последствия экономической блокады, организованной Великобританией, и ответные действия германского флота. Особое внимание уделено влиянию неограниченной подводной войны на нейтральные державы, что стало одним из факторов вступления США в войну. Анализируются темпы военно-морского строительства США, масштабное развитие конвойной системы и противолодочной обороны, обеспечившие успешную переброску американских войск в Европу. В статье приводятся статистические данные о количестве потопленных судов и их тоннаже, динамике потерь на морских коммуникациях, а также об изменении эффективности немецких субмарин под воздействием противолодочных мер союзников. Особо выделяются дипломатические шаги США, приведшие к прекращению подводной войны Германией и подписанию перемирия. На основе работ исследователей, которые основываются на архивных данных изучаемого периода, автор анализирует последствия подводной войны для итогов мировой войны, включая передачу германских субмарин союзникам и завершение военно-морских операций.
The present article is concerned with the complexity of the development of university students’ soft skills. The terms “hard” and “soft” skills refer to a number of industry-specific and non-industry specific skills that are widely discussed in professional and academic settings and are enclosed in competence-based system of university education in the Russian Federation. The complexity of the matter is shaped by a number of linguistic and non-linguistic factors presented and discussed within the article. As supporting evidence the author provides theoretical implications from the field of Second language acquisition, instructed second language acquisition, neuro-linguistics as well as the results of the author’s own research. The findings regarding the way university students view language learning process and strategies they choose build the objective ground for the author to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of naturalistic and synthetic language teaching approaches in regard with hard skills and soft skills’ development. The article suggests task-based language teaching and task-supported syllabus design as a potential solution to the contradictions and challenges outlined. The author then provides an example of a pedagogical task which can be built within a set university syllabus, supporting the suggestions made with description of the stages that the task can be broken into and rationale for each of them that would when put together guarantee university students’ soft skills development.
In this paper, we studied nonlinear absorption of infrared (IR) (1250 nm) femtosecond pulses and visible photoluminescence (PL) excited by them in liquid-crystal (LC) polymer films with embedded CdSe/ZnS core-shell type quantum dots (QDs). The dependence of nonlinear transmission on incident intensity indicated three-photon absorption in the films, with the three-photon absorption coefficient for the QD-LC polymer composite comparable with the one for bulk CdSe. The spectrum of PL excited by IR pulses coincides with one-photon excited PL spectrum. Dependence of the PL signal on the IR laser radiation power is cubic with further saturation for the spectral region from 2.10 to 2.25 eV, with saturation intensity decreasing with lower PL photon energy. The presence of the second-harmonic signal in the up-conversion spectrum results in its variation with an excitation power increase.
It should be noted that as a universal approach to international legal regulation of labor relations, the principle of effective child labor prohibition is one of four fundamentals in the field of labor to be applied by ILO member states on a mandatory basis regardless of ratification of any particular Conventions, but just subject to their adherence to the ILO Constitution. Although child labor is prohibited by regulatory acts and this is reflected in national policies and special programs of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states, child labor remains a problem that puts the basic rights of a significant number of children in jeopardy. The primary methods are system analysis and a comparative legal method of studying child labor issues in the Eurasian Economic Union member states in respect to the analysis of its current state and ensuring the effective implementation of a child labor prohibition in the Eurasian Economic Union. The issues of new institutional arrangements for protecting children’s rights in EAEU member states are analyzed in the paper. There is a particular focus on the lack of a special children’s rights protection authority (aside from Russia and Kazakhstan) and the trend of significantly weakened activities by labor inspections in EAEU member states in respect to implementing child labor prohibition as well. The need for defining the concepts of ‘light work’ and ‘labor education’ and their formalization in labor legislation provisions is stated in the paper along with the need to adopt legal norms disclosing the nature of relations arising from the work performed by children and the types of this work in the informal economic sector. It appears necessary to work out a concept for regulating relations in the field of child labor in the framework of strategies for the social and economic development of Eurasian Economic Union member states that shall provide for the elimination of child labor based on child labor legislation monitoring and the practice of its enforcement in these states.
The author of this research aims, through this research, to create a theoretical understanding of the role of Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SCRF) in the regulation of labor relations and others directly associated with them, as well as the possibility of their classification as a source of labor law. By researching these acts’ significance in labor law both in Russia and other countries a conclusion is drawn that currently the acts of supreme judicial authorities may be classified as sources of labor law, since they influence on the emergence, changing and termination of legal labor relations and have an objectified form of expression. However, the aforementioned acts are issued by judicial authorities, not law-making authorities, and a failure to comply with the rules of conduct that they create cause consequences not only for the courts, but for other subjects as well. Considering the latest trends in the formulation of rules of conduct by supreme judicial authorities and their perception by legislators via their reflection in regulatory acts, the significance of supreme judicial authorities’ acts is to serve as a basis for the development of typical sources of labor law, specifically labor law acts.
The article reveals the relevance of the research topic taking into account the current international situation and the Russian political, legal and socio-economic reality. The objectives of the research are the need for scientific substantiation of the transformation of public authorities in order to ensure their organizational and legal unity and consistency as a condition for enhancing the effectiveness of their activities. The unfounded and flawed nature of the constitutional norm on the autonomous organization and functioning of state and local authorities is revealed. Proposals are proposed and substantiated on the need to include the principle of responsibility of heads of public authorities among other principles of responsibility. A proposal is made on the need to expand the range of subjects of legislative initiative in order to democratize the legislative process more. Logical, historical, comparative-legal, systemic and functional research methods are used.
Currently, the problem of training highly skilled, competitive specialists equipped with competencies necessary for their future professional activity is of particular relevance. This is key to building a talent pipeline in the transport industry in general and in the railway sector in particular where the activities of the majority of workers involve providing safety and continuity of operations. One of the topical issues is to study their values and meaning domain and motivational attitudes to their future profession as an opportunity to develop techniques of psychological and pedagogical support aimed at forming stable internal motives and optimizing the professional development of future specialists in the transport industry. The purpose of the study is to explore the specifi c features of the values and meaning domain and motivation of future specialists in the transport industry. In order to study the purpose-in-life orientations, personality traits and motivation of future specialists in the transport industry, a study was conducted with the participation of 50 people aged 20 to 24 years. The following methods were used: the Purpose-in-Life (PIL) Test by D. Crumbaugh and L. Maholick adapted by D. A. Leontiev; the questionnaire for the assessment of personality traits of a professional (LOP) by I.G. Senin and V.E. Oryol; and the Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure (MUN) method by A. A. Rean. The results for interpretation were obtained by mathematical and statistical data processing using correlation analysis (the Pearson correlation criterion). The sense of purpose in the students is associated with the ability to identify signifi cant conditions for achieving goals and everything that happens to them contributes to their personal growth. The more the students perceive their lives as emotionally intense and interesting, the less they tend to perceive their educational and professional activities as a source of stress. Conclusions: Students with clear goals for the prospects of their future professional self-realisation tend to show internal motives for achieving results to a greater extent. The feeling of meaningfulness and productivity of the students’ lives is associated with tension they experience in the learning process, conscious control of their actions and behaviour.
The Baikal-Amur Mainline is one of the most ambitious and controversial Soviet projects on the sociopolitical and historical trail of perception. The proposal to build a new railway north of the Trans-Siberian Railway was put forward at the beginning of the 20th century. The idea was approached in the 1920s and 1930s. Surveys were conducted, and construction began on one of the sites, which was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War (World War II). Moreover, during the war years, the upper structure of the track and a number of engineering structures were dismantled on the constructed site, which were used for the construction of the extremely important rockade railway in the Stalingrad area, which played a signifi cant role in supplying Soviet troops during the Battle of Stalingrad. The interest in the construction of the BAM of the Soviet leadership in the 1960s and 1970s arose again in the context of an aggravation of the political situation — the complication of relations between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China. However, already during this period, the question was reasonably raised not only about the political, but also the economic strategic signifi cance of the project from the perspective of the country’s development prospects, the development of natural resources in this region, the development of transport links between the European, Siberian, and Far Eastern territories of the state. In the period after the collapse of the USSR, the BAM construction project, not without the infl uence of those who were under Western infl uence in the country’s leadership circles, was classifi ed as erroneous, extremely costly, economically and socially unjustifi ed. Today, in society, the state, under the infl uence of many factors of recent years, there is an understanding of the importance of completing and developing the BAM construction project. This project has played a big role in the lives of millions of people, many organizations and institutions. Among them is the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers — today the St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I, whose students, graduates, scientists and specialists have been involved in various forms in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline for half a century.
Talking points for the speech by the Head of Moscow Railway V. F. Tanaev at the III Conference of the Association of Rectors of Transport Universities BRICS as part of the events of the BRICS Business Council Subgroup on Transport and Logistics. June 10, 20241.
The article deals with a new perspective on increasing logistics connectivity of BRICS countries through development of transport routes. The typology of routes was proposed for the fi rst time as a result of activities of the Subgroup for Transport and Logistics of the BRICS Business Council and summarized in the Guide of BRICS Transport Routes. Descriptions of main parameters of the routes as well as barriers to their development are presented in the article. The value of research lies in the preparation of recommendations to overcome barriers to development of these routes, which will create conditions for the growth of mutual trade and economic growth of BRICS countries.
The Donetsk Railway Transport Institute: yesterday, today, tomorrow
The objective of this paper is to construct a generalized quadratic spectrum approximation based on the Kantorovich projection method which llows us to deal with the spectral pollution problem. For this purpose, we prove that the property U (see Eq. 3) holds under weaker conditions than the norm and the collectively compact convergence. Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness and the convergence of our method.