Архив статей журнала

Выпуск: Т. 3 № 2 (2022)
Авторы: López José Antonio Villalobos

Public goods have two fundamental characteristics: they are offered to the whole community and no one can be excluded from their benefit. When the subject of public goods is discussed, the schools of thought that deal with state intervention in the economy always come to the fore: neoclassical and Keynesian. According to prominent theorists, the theory, conception, thought and ideology of economic and monetary neoliberalism was transferred to the political sphere, through the school of public choice. The Mexican political system can be considered as a regime in transition towards democracy, since it presents unquestionable elements of modern democratic systems, but it also shows traits of inoperability, such as corruption, scarce accountability and, lately, a deficient administration of justice by the judiciary. In accordance with the rule of law, the analysis of the Political Constitution represents the most important part of the political system to be studied. Efficiency in public management has been located in the exercise of budgets and in the actions of recording public accounting. The main objective of results-based management is to change the organizational culture of the managerial model, which should replace bureaucratic administration, emphasizing results instead of processes and procedures.

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